nora's reflection - lesson plan

DNA stands for Debate, not Argue, which is our goal – We want to create an environment in which we can exchange opinions, and experiences, through discussion, not fight over who is right or wrong. In this project young people from different countries in Europe, including Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, and Serbia worked together to research a broad variety of topics.

Despite being from different countries all of our authors encountered issues related to biases in their personal life. In this interactive game, the players will confront the issue of gender bias.

The goal of the activity:

The goal of the game is to get the youth familiar with the topic of gender bias and to experience it within the interactive story. In the following discussion, the group reflects on whether they encounter such bias also in their lives and try to come up with ways to discover and fight our own biases.

Target group:

The game is suitable for young people from 13 to 19 years of age.

Duration of the activity:

Playing the game takes ca. 20 minutes, the following discussion ca. 30 – 40 minutes.

Tools and materials:

The game is web-based, meaning that the participants will receive a link to the game and they will need an electronic device connected to the Internet in order to play it. This can be a tablet, a mobile phone, a computer, etc.

If you can’t or prefer not to use the Internet during the activity, you can download the game as a PDF file and give it to the participants printed out.

For the discussion, no materials are needed. If the participants are hesitating to share their opinion, you can consider using post-its for making anonymous comments.

Link to the online game:

Link to the PDF game:

structure of the lesson:


1) Energizer (ca. 10 minutes)

Get your participants energized and focused before playing a short game. If you would like some inspiration for suitable energizers, you can check out our energizer guide.


2) The Game (ca. 20 minutes)

For playing the game, divide the participants into smaller groups of 2 – 4 people. Give them the link to the game and let them play on their own (being available in case they have questions or problems).


3) Discussion (ca. 30 – 40 minutes)

After all groups have finished the game, gather the whole group back in a circle and start the discussion. In the discussion, the following should happen:

  1. The participants reflect on their experience in the game – how they felt, what was on their minds, the discussion in the groups.
  2. By reflecting on the game, the participants understand what a gender bias (and bias in general) is. They should be able to come up with a simple definition.
  3. Together, share if you encounter biases in their own lives, tell their experiences.
  4. At the end, think about ways to avoid being biased and fight against biases that come from other people.


Here are suggestions for questions that you can use for the discussion.

However, it is always the best to choose such questions that fit the concrete profile and needs of your group.


  • What do you think bias is?
  • What biases do you know?
  • Would you say you’re biased?
  • What is your experience with gender biases?
  • Is calling someone biased an insult? How can we give constructive criticism in this scenario?
  • Do you think people in countries outside CZ are more or less biased?
  • Are older generations more biased than your generation? What do you think about this development?
  • What is the impact of media on our biases? Do they break them or support them?
  • How can we prevent biases?


Some of the questions are suitable for the moving debate formate. We recommend to use this format for some questions in the discussion, so that the participants have the chance to stand up and move around and also to encourage all to think about their opinion.

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