Their careers are scams

How to convince the media that you are famous and then make a career?

1st article: “Natalia Janoszek, an actress from Bielsko-Biała, has been making a huge career in Bollywood for years, and recently even in Europe. Recognition gave her the film „ChickenCurry Law“, in which she played the main role. For several years, he has also tried his hand in Poland, but with poor results. Now she got another chance to show herself to Poles – she will appear in »Dancing with the Stars«.”

2nd article: The Polish actress who conquered Bollywood accepted the invitation to the eighteenth edition (…). She is the winner of two JIFFA awards (2018, 2019) for „Best International Actress“. She became the first Polish actress to receive an Indian film award.

3rd article: Natalia Janoszek played in twelve Bollywood films. Here is her extraordinary story.


[1] “Natalia Janoszek robi wielką karierę w Indiach, Europie, a w Polsce jej nie chcą: »Zawsze czułam się niechciana« (WYWIAD) ”,, 25 Aug. 2022, Accessed 31 May 2023.

[2] “Natalia Janoszek Uczestniczką »Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo«”, Polsat, 31 Jan. 2023, Accessed 31 May 2023.

[3] „Natalia Janoszek played in twelve Bollywood films. Here is her extraordinary story”,, 2 Dec. 2023, Accessed 31 May 2023.


Natalia Janoszek began to appear in the Polish media as „a star who conquered Bollywood“. She has published her own book detailing her career in India. Her success was allegedly evidenced by numerous awards, including prestigious JIFFA award. However, it turns out that the JIFFA award is not prestigious at all. Jharkhand International Film Festival Awards has only a 5-year history. It also does not have its own website, nor too many recipients. Plus, it takes place in a school-like location. Janoszek benefited from the fact that the name of the award was confusingly similar to the really prestigious IFFA (International Film Festival of India) award. But IFFA has over 70 years of tradition…

In addition, the film that was supposed to be her greatest success, titled „ChickenCurry Law“, has only 90 ratings on the largest review site in the world (source: IMDb). Moreover, “The Times of India” rated it 2/5 and its box office only has 6,000 views (Source: Box Office India). Interestingly, Janoszek has 1.8 million followers on Instagram, but 84% of them are fake accounts (source: Modash). The „star“ was unmasked on May 23 by Krzysztof Stanowski on his YouTube channel.

about the source:

Almost all major Polish portals wrote about Natalia Janoszek. She also appeared on the public broadcaster’s television morning show. Her career was described not only in the tabloids, but also in news magazines. Among the media that fell for are: Onet Plejada, Question for Breakfast (TVP),, Eska, RMF 24, On topic.


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