Educational materials

Are you an educator, or just looking for knowledge? Whatever your circumstance, here you will find materials that can guide you through your efforts – organizing an event, evaluating a project, holding a debate competition, and much more.

debate methodologies

1. Why debate and not argue?

An introduction to what a debate is.

2. debate Topics

How to come up with a suitable topic and question (statement) for a debate.

3. debate rules

Establishing the rules and format of the debate.

4. debate training

Organizing a debate training and preparing participants for a debate.

all debate methodologies

All the 6 previous parts merged into one compact methodology document.

teaching materials

Energizers and games for your event

various energizers and games, that you can use when conducting a workshop, event or group meeting

evaluation in youth work

guidelines and practical methods that will help you find the right way to evaluate your workshop or other event

values and culture - lesson plan

change of the women’s position in society on the example of Botticelli’s Birth of the Venus and it’s pop culture counterpart Harley Quinn 

Politics & Media Lesson Plan - part 1

topic: Political Alignment

Politics & Media Lesson Plan - part 2

topic: Politics & Social Media

Politics & Media Lesson Plan - part 3

topic: Social Media & Ownership

nora's reflection

an interactive way about gender bias for opening a discussion on how to discover biases and how to fight against them

the importance of perspective

a roleplay game for 3 to 7 groups of 2 to 6, helping to understand how any piece of information can be manipulated

interactive materials

media literacy kahoot quiz

an interactive kahoot quiz that helps to acquire strategies for distinguishing facts from fake news

fake news quiz

a quiz thanks to which youth/students can test their ability to recognize fake news and media manipulations

How do I stand?

an interactive poster, which can help you reflect on your body and mind and your communication with others – write, draw, think, enjoy!

media game of life

play a simple board game with your friends and overcome the media traps characteristic for each stage of human life

event organisation

How to organize a workshop

This short guide will help you better understand how to implement your workshop ideas in the best way possible.


climate change denial

an article examining the arguments of those who question climate change

the pope drip - image that fooled millions

a story of a fake picture that many believed to be true


a story about teenagers discovering and fighting their biases

gender-related media manipulation

analysis of an article that appears to be sensitive to trans* people but is not

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